Thursday, August 03, 2006

GOP Green for the Green in PA

GOP Green for the Greens in PA
By Lindsay BeyersteinPosted on August 3, 2006, Printed on August 3, 2006
Paul Kiel of TPM Muckracker is exultant:
OK, we've done it. We've nailed it down: Every single contributor to the Pennsylvania Green Party Senate candidate is actually a conservative -- except for the candidate himself.The Luzerne County Green Party raised $66,000 in the month of June in order to fund a voter signature drive. The Philly Inquirer reported yesterday that $40,000 came from supporters of Rick Santorum's campaign (or their housemates). Also yesterday, we confirmed that another $15,000 came from GOP donors and conservatives. Only three contributions, totaling $11,000, remained as possible legit donations.Today, I confirmed that those came from GOP sources.
Bravo to Kiel for rolling up some AstroTurf in Pennsylvania.
[TPM Muckracker]
Lindsay Beyerstein a New York writer blogging at Majikthise.
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