Friday, June 29, 2007

I urge all of you who, like me, believe this next election will be the most important election of our lifetime to check-out the following Rapid Response connection with The Democratic Party.

It's not quite July 4, but let's remember the principles our forefathers founded and take back America from those who are un-doing our democracy and trying to replace it with an oligarchy.


"Every day, the Democratic Party's research team prepares a document with all their latest, up-to-date information on the Republican 2008 presidential field. Please help us spread the word through blogs, email and word-of-mouth. Your work makes a difference."

- The Internet Team

The Daily Flipper

Read what the Republicans Wish You Wouldn’t ...

June 28, 2007

TOP HEADLINE: I Wanna Be A Secret Service Impersonator When I Grow Up: Trooper Garrity Expands His Resume

Palm Beach Post Tallahassee bureau chief S.V. Date says that Garrity, who is now on paid leave from the campaign while New Hampshire authorities investigate, tried in April to prevent Date from following Romney into the Florida Senate Office Building, and then again when Date tried to board an elevator Romney was taking to meet with Republican state senators.

After Date reminded Garrity (pictured above) that the building and the elevator were open to the public in Florida, Garrity, wearing a Secret Service style lapel pin and an ear bud, responded that such measures were necessary because of numerous security threats against the former Massachusetts governor.


McCain: It’s Gonna Be An Ugly Second Quarter

Republican presidential candidate John McCain played down expectations Wednesday for his second-quarter fundraising and acknowledged a need to improve his standing in Iowa.

"I think I've got a lot of work to do in Iowa," McCain said in a Des Moines Register interview.

McCain said he expected to have raised an adequate amount, but not the most compared with his rivals when the quarter ends on Saturday.

"I am confident we'll have enough money to do what we need to do; I'm pretty confident we're not as good as some of the others," McCain said in the telephone interview. "I haven't seen theirs. I'm satisfied with the level. It's been very difficult."


More McCain Staff Bails in NH . . . Money Issues

A state lawmaker said yesterday he could no longer support Sen. John McCain's campaign due to a proposed immigration bill in Congress. But McCain's campaign countered that state Rep. D.J. Bettencourt stepped down as Rockingham County co-chairman only after asking for - and being refused - a paycheck.


Did Romney Save the Olympics or Did the Olympics Save Him?

The day Mitt Romney took over the scandal-tainted Salt Lake City Olympics in 1999, he pledged not to exploit the role for political gain and announced that he would not accept any severance pay when he finished the job. Public records indicate he did otherwise.

Romney not only accepted a $476,000 severance package from the Salt Lake Organizing Committee, according to federal tax records, but he helped to lobby the committee for similarly large pacts for his 25 senior managers, 17 of whom contributed to his 2002 Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign or the state Republican Party soon after the Winter Games.

Romney donated the severance package money as well as his Olympic salary to charity, his spokesman says, and Romney himself says that soliciting campaign contributions from friends and colleagues is a common and legitimate practice.

In addition to tapping senior managers, Romney also solicited donations from the organizing committee's 53-member board of trustees, 14 of whom contributed to his campaign or political action committees during his governorship. Romney also received political funds from individuals associated with companies such as Nu Skin, Questar, and NBC that sponsored or did business with the organizing committee.


It Is, After All, All About Mitt

But Romney's other agenda - buffing his own image for a political career - was never far from the surface, according to many former associates.

The man who was famous at Bain Capital for letting others take the credit suddenly was giving his permission for a series of Olympics promotional buttons bearing his own likeness, accompanied by slogans like ''Hey, Mitt, we love you!'' and ''Are we there yet, Mitt?'' There was even a superhero pin depicting Romney draped in an American flag.


Washington Lawyer Lobbyist Fred Thompson Criticizes the ‘Politics of Washington

Fred Thompson -- actor, ex-senator, former lobbyist and Republican presidential aspirant -- appealed to fellow Southerners with his conservative pitch Wednesday and belittled foolishness in Washington.

The lawyer who has worked as a Washington lobbyist and lives just outside the capital chided Washington for its partisanship, especially concerning terrorism, and emphasized the need for U.S. leaders to work across the aisle.

"We pick up the newspaper and see what's going on in Washington and the foolishness there -- all things partisan, all the energy directed inwardly instead of trying to work together to do something good for this country, even with regard to something this important," he said.

In brief remarks to reporters, Thompson acknowledged his long tenure in Washington and defended his criticism of the ways of the federal government.


But Fred Surrounds Himself With Washington Insiders. . .

Fred Thompson's inner circle is small and deeply rooted in Tennessee.

But the next circle, the presidential campaign staff he has been constructing in recent weeks, is populated by skilled Washington veterans with strong ties to President George Bush and former President George H.W. Bush.

Some already draw criticism. Thompson staff member Tim Griffin is under fire from some Democratic senators. They asked this week that the U.S. Justice Department investigate claims that Griffin, a former aide to White House senior adviser Karl Rove, helped suppress voter turnout in Florida during the 2004 presidential race.

Thomas Collamore, who has led Thompson's campaign, has been criticized for his work at Altria Group Inc., the parent company of tobacco giant Philip Morris.


Thompson Continues To Run From His Record; Turns His Back On Campaign Finance Reform

Perhaps the biggest news to emerge, though, is that Thompson seems to be distancing himself from his previous strong support of McCain-Feingold. He admitted to "voting for the campaign finance reform bill" -- he was actually one of its first co-sponsors -- but said that he did so because he wanted to end soft money and "go back to the traditional way of placing reasonable limits on what a person can give to a politician."

"There was another part," Thompson continued, "that the Supreme Court addressed that I've been saying for some time hasn't worked."

But that was surpising to a rival campaign that, after they got wind of Thompson's statement, pointed out that Thompson "took the time to file an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court" in 2003 defending both the soft money prohibition in the bill and the restriction on issue ads that Court struck down this week and that Thompson spoke out against today.


Giuliani’s Numbers Falling Across the Country

Likely GOP presidential hopeful Fred Thompson has made stunning gains on front-runner Rudy Giuilani in three key battleground states, including Florida, a poll released yesterday found.

Giuliani leads Thompson 27-21 percent among Florida Republican voters, according to the Quinnipiac Poll - a dramatic shrinkage of the former mayor's 32-point edge in April.

In April, 38 percent of Florida Republicans favored Giuliani, compared to 15 percent for John McCain, and just 6 for Thompson. Since then, Giuliani dipped by 11 points, while Thompson skyrocketed by 15 points.

In Ohio, Giuliani's lead over Thompson dwindled from 15 points to eight points over the two-month period. Giuliani now has 25 percent of the GOP vote in Ohioto 17 percent for Thompson.


Rudy’ll Be Waiting For Fred In The Parking Lot . . .

Former GOP Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson, speaking at a GOP gathering in South Carolina today, hit his usual core issues, tax cuts, and terrorism -- but also took an apparent shot at GOP front-runner Rudy Giuliani's checklist of things he says a president needs to do to be successful.Thompson, in what seemed to be a direct criticism of Giuliani, said, "The question is what are your underlying principles what do you believe in?" The still unannounced candidate went on to say, "Anybody can talk from a mental checklist of talking points. What do you really believe in? Where are you coming from?"

Giuliani in speeches has outlined six things he says a leader needs to be successful, and said he has identified 12 "commitments" to voters if elected president.

. . .But Probably Not In The Parking Lot of a Church

Married three times, Giuliani simply isn't the Catholic candidate he claims to be. He can't have a confessor. He can't receive the sacraments of penance, the Eucharist, or marriage. While bishops disagree about whether or not a Catholic politician who supports abortion rights can receive the sacraments, there is no disagreement about the consequences of divorcing and remarrying outside the church, as Giuliani did a few years ago.,barrett,77041,6.html/full


Anti-Immigrant Ads Produced Outside U.S.A.

Say it isn't so but it looks like a conservative video site,, may be outsourcing and offshoring its videos opposing the immigration bill being debated in the Senate.

If you look carefully at this TV commercial-style spot, the telephone has a sticker which appears to show a European Union-wide number for emergency assistance, 112.

I think I can even see the circle of stars on a blue background that is a symbol of the EU.


After a Lifetime of Public Service, Liddy Dole Has, Well, Nothing To Show For It

If you scroll down to the bottom of Elizabeth Dole's official Senate biography, it seems that she agrees that she has accomplished nothing as a Senator.


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